Quotes From "The Witches: Salem 1692" By Stacy Schiff

Confronted afterward, she claimed no knowledge of that bedroom tryst;...
Confronted afterward, she claimed no knowledge of that bedroom tryst; she did not intend to be held responsible for men's dreams. Stacy Schiff
It is a dangerous thing to have the same men in both the prophecy and the history business. Stacy Schiff
We have believed in any number of things - the tooth fairy, cold fusion, and benefits of smoking, the free lunch - that turn out not to exist. We all subscribe to preposterous beliefs; we just don't know yet which ones they are. Stacy Schiff
Like any oppressed people, they defined themselves by what offended them, which would give New England its gritty flavor and, it has been argued, America its independence. Stacy Schiff
Salem is in part a story of what happens when a set of unanswerable questions meets a set of unquestioned answers. Stacy Schiff